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Goodbye To 2017

When thinking back to everthing that I have had the opportunity to discover & be a part of this year, I am definitely counting my many blessings! I cannot even begin find the words to express how incredible of a year 2017 was. I visited new places that I fell in love with, met new people that have greatly impacted, or even changed my life & have learned so much every step of the way.

In 2017 I decided to take the site a bit more seriously & see where it may lead me.... & boy am I glad I did. I got to work with girls that I have looked up to for so long, collaborated with companies that I have worn & used for years, & traveled more for work, which has always been a dream!

I wanted to see new places, so I saved up for those exciting vacations & went for it! Chicago was a perfect start to the year, even if it was -5 degrees the entire time. I got to warm up in Anna Maria Island with Pink Lily, which was seriously one of the more insanely perfect times ever! It was a dream... once the work was done & we stayed a little longer to relaaaax! Then it was off to Cabo San Lucas for some days without any worries! The post about it here on the site did not even do it justice; it was breathtaking! Then I surprised my momma with a surprise trip to Houston to see some family & get away for a little while! Then Flagler Beach for a music video was the perfect cherry on top!

There are so many other events, shows, jobs & insane projects that I got to experience this year, but to talk about each & every one would drive y'all a little crazy. Instead, I used the photos to share some of my favorite moments from this year. However, it isn't just what I did, but it’s what this year has taught me. I have learned a lot & know what I want from the years to come!

Taking with me:

1. Comparison will kill

I learned to let go of the comparison wand. Just drop it & be myself. Make my own goals, set my own standards at my own pace. I won't ever be anyone else but me, so stopppp trying to be. Just be the best Shea Leigh I can be.

2. Pray.

I don't know how I would get by on my day-to-day occurrences, struggles & hardships without prayer. I have learned to pray for guidance, strength, stronger faith & a deeper trust in the Lord.

3. Give thanks

I talk about this with y'all often, but when I pray, I learned to not request from God, but thank Him for all He has done & will continue to do.

4. Get up & kick your booty

As soon as I get up, I start working my tail off. It has helped when I make my list, stay on it & get it all done. It keeps me motivated to finish my day with nothing left to do. Oh & at the gym too, kick yo bootay!


After going all day, chilllll out. It’s okay to have NOTHING on my list for a day. Just paint my nails, deep condition my hair, watch Sweet Home Alabama, do whatever I WANT to do, not what I think I HAVE to do.

6. Daily Pop IS the News

In the morning, when I rise, give me E! Network. This is all I need to know... okay maybe turn on the real news to know what's going on in the world. But Daily Pop keeps me up to date with the royal wedding & news with the Housewives & that to me is very very very important!

Wishes for 2018:

1. Travel more often to bigger places

2. Make the site a better experience for y'all

3. Share more of Nashville with you

4. Read my Bible & devotionals daily

5. Speak more positively

6. Balance work & play

7. Get better with saving money

8. Find new shows to binge watch

You all have given me an abundance of support & I continue to be so uplifted with the love & encouragement that I receive daily from y'all! From the sweet emails, to comments, likes & interaction, it means more than you will ever know to have you all on my side to keep me going with all of this fun work to share with y'all!

So many memories from this year will stick with me forever. From vacations, experiences, new friendships, wonderful relationships & so much more, I have had the best year yet!

I can't wait to see what 2018 brings & I can't wait to share it all with you!

I hope you all have a SAFE & WONDERFUL New Year's Eve & a year full of love, excitement, & the best of memories!


xo, Shea Leigh

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