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Best Gifts for your BFF

It's time to plan your Christmas party girls night, pick your Secret Santa & get to shopping. BUT WAIT! Sometimes no matter how close you are to your BFF, the snowflakes cause a sudden brain freeze & all creative bestie-gift ideas go flying out the window. Have no fear, I've got you covered! I'm putting together lots of friendly presents to suit you & your girls all holiday season long!

ps. It may be a little easier to see/shop the full items from this post on your computer, especially if you are getting ready to shop your heart out!

Cozy nights are always the best. You can grab your wine, put on your comfy matching pajammies, throw on your facemask & get your Girl's Night started! And let's be honest.. who doesn't love the smell of candles around while chilling in your slippers & cuddled up with a blanket? Here are some of the perfect pieces to add to your late night gift list!

Something I love to, even though my friends laugh at me for it, is get matchy-matchy looks with my friends! Even if they aren't all into it, still go for it because it is so cute & who care what other people think? Have fun with your BFF!

Whether it is pajammies, luggage or jewelry, it is always so fun to have cute pictures with your girls in adorable twinning looks! Shop some of my favorite twin-vibes now!

We all have that friend that we dream of traveling with. We want to see the 7 seas, walk on white sandy beaches, ski down all the snowy slopes & enjoy the pleasures of life with! All while being styled to perfection & getting pictures of it all while experiencing it! These items will get you ready to buy your ticket & get to taking the BEST instagram pics that will bless all of your followers' timelines.

Everyone loves to feel special & would love to know that a little bit of a personal touch has been added into their gifts. What better way to do that than to make their name, initials, or monogram the focus of their new present! From purses, phone cases, jewelry & more, there are lots of creative ways to let your BFF know that they are extra special to you! Jess & I especially love our custom phone cases from Daily Edited; see them HERE! Also shop the sweet gifts below!!

Shop our outfits & more similar looks:

Get my pearl bracelets HERE & use code dailyshealeigh for free shipping!

There are so many great gift ideas out there, so hopefully this is a gift guide that you can pass around to your girlfriends & y'all can share your faves! All prices are listed to help you if you're sticking to a budget per gift! As I made this list I started sending screenshots to my Momma of all the ones I am loving... which is most of them! A little help never hurt on Christmas morning, right? These all are great to shop through if you are stuck on what to buy for the holidays. It also is stuffed full of ideas to send to your friends that asked what you may want for Christmas. Just send them this link & they'll be set with a full on map of how to gift ya!

To see my other gift guide click HERE!

Shop the entire picture HERE!

Xo, Shea Leigh

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