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Fall Rolling In

Like I have said before, fall is my favorite! God is showing His greatness through the beautiful world He has created, the changing of the leaves, the sun shining down & making the weather just perfect! With the season rolling in & out so quickly, I figured this was a good time to share this post!

Now, this post has quite a bit going on, but I figured there were a few things I needed to explain:

1. How my blog posts are laid out

2. This outfit... of course!!

3. Why these photos are so random! LOL

1. How my posts are laid out

What I have found best/easiest for y'all is to label & then define.

I always love giving some love as a starter for my posts! Then I go on to show you what I am sharing. Under those pictures is a BOLD TITLE! If you click on the title of the item, it will take you right to that page! THOSE ARE LINKS!

Under the bold linked title is just telling you more details about that particular piece.

As that continues down the page, you will come to the end where I always want you all to know how thankful I am for you guys staying with me on this journey.

Each post would not be as fun to write if you weren't viewing them.

So here it is again... THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!

Then of course...

XO, Shea Leigh

Pretty simple, right? Hopefully this will help for future reading.

2. This outfit {my favorite part}Refer to paragraph above for how to view this look :)

This off shoulder top has an elastic lining to keep it in place. A very smart move for this popular look!

The grey & white details make for a pretty little design to dress any way you'd like! I paired mine with simple black jeans and some gold jewelry!

3. Why. So. Random?!

For this post I knew that I wanted to share this outfit with y'all, but also wanted to explain the site a little more, SO me & my BFF Mal took a bunch of pics just to share different looks of this outfit with you! And when she snapped this pic of my hair, I wasn't too mad about it... so clearly I wanted to show you guys! hahaa sorry for the craziness of this post!

Okay, I know it was a lot of weird, random information, but I had to clear all that up! So to review...

1. A better look at the blog posts & how to navigate them

2. THIS CUTE OUTFIT 3. Alllll the craziness!

Thank you for making it down this far & sticking with this post! I hope now it is easier to get these looks, read the blog, & hopefully continue to want to read! Until next time...!

Xo, Shea Leigh

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