REST part of my day

Last Sunday at church, our pastor talked about rest in the mornings. Yes, rest for our minds as soon as we wake up. With a crazy four weeks full of travel ahead of me then, it was the exact message I needed to hear. It’s been one week since that sermon & it has already helped me tremendously!!
The main thing that really stuck with me was how I spend the first 10-20 minutes of my day. Usually I do what everyone else tends to do when they wake up. Check Instagram, reply back to text messages I may have missed the night before, get a good laugh from Twitter, then scroll through Facebook to see what everyone is up to back home.
This would automatically get my mind rolling with what I needed to do that day. What outfit did I need to post on Instagram? What was the sad craziness of the world trending on Twitter. Who from my hometown is engaged, married, or having a baby? It led to me start my day on self destruct mode before my feet even hit the floor. It was voluntarily my own fault.
I change my mindset & made goals for myself to start my days in a healthier, happier mind space.

Thank God for blessings from the day before & little blessings along the way! Whether it be good health, an amazing family, a home & comfy bed to wake up in... thanking him for the little things makes me feel more appreciative throughout my day.
Ask Him for guidance. I always pray for God to lead me on HIS path & to show me signs of how to follow it. Ever since I was 17 years old, I’ve asked God to show me what HE wants my life & I always promised to follow it. This can be SO difficult, especially when it’s not what I may have planned for my life, but God always knows best & takes the reins!
My favorite part of my morning is grabbing my coffee, getting my favorite devotional & spending that ALONE TIME with God. I’ve shared this book on my stories multiple times, but never on the blog. I’ve had this devotional for about two years & I date the top of each page. They used to be scattered, sometimes even months apart. Now it is rare that I even miss a day. I promise you this: every time I start my morning with this book, I see a change in myself. My attitude toward others changes. How I perceive things that happen throughout the day take a turn for the best. Mountains become grains of sand & everything seems to settle down.
I never realized how important the first 20 minutes of my day were. How I start speaks volumes to how the day ends. Set a goal for yourself that for THIS WEEK you will spend that time with God & not the worries of the world. Skip that scroll thru instagram & have a conversation with God. Also, this devotional is on Amazon so y’all can get it real quick & feel the peace immediately. That’s something to be thankful for right there - Amazon Prime - thank ya Jesus!!
I hope that this helps at least one of you throughout your week! I’d love to hear who decides to try this out & let me know how it changes your mindset, your actions & your mental health throughout each day! I absolutely love hearing from you guys; it means the world to me!!

I'm officially home from LA & enjoying a cozy morning in bed. More travels coming up this week that I am sooo excited about! Until then, enjoy your week & happy Sunday!!
Love y'all, BUNCHES!
shop this cozy beach look:
Xo, Shea Leigh