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Sushi & Switching Shirts

When it was 75 degrees in February, I just about put all of my sweaters & coats up in the winter closet. I am SO GLAD that I didn't. It was just chilly enough to bring this great transition-into-spring outfit back!

{both from Pink Lily}

Nama Sushi

I had never been here, but I am always a fan of some sushi & small talk with my best friends. I got the Cali Roll while P got the Crispy Shrimp roll. Each lunch menu order came with a Miso Soup & Salad of your choice. We both stuck with the house salad with ginger & vinegar dressing! So yummy & refreshing!





2300 Elliston Pl

Nashville, TN 37203

I had my 9:30 class earlier & wore leggings, a neon green workout shirt with my matching neon Nikes & my hair in a messy bun. That was my school look with my fellow student friends.

I then got a call from Preston & decided to go to Nama Sushi in Nashville for lunch. So obviously I had to run by the house in a hurrrrrry & grab something to be presentable, & switch it up real quick! I threw together this little get-up & snapped some photos of the outfit, as well as the yummy food to show to y'all!

This cozy look is great for this quickly changing weather we are going through here in Nashville. One day it will be sunny & 75, then the next I am bundled in my coat, looking for my gloves.

I hope you are all enjoying your week! Hopefully soon we will all be able to put up those winter items & pull out our shorts & bikinis! Until then, stay up to date right here at!

XO, Shea Leigh

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