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"So...what do you do?"

Every time I am back home or getting to know someone new, it is only a matter of time before this question comes up. You would think I would have an answer down by now! Do I tell them about acting/modeling Shea? Or would they rather hear about smoothie-making, nannying, retail-selling Shea? "I'm kind of all over the place!" has been a safe answer. It usually then leads to questions about something they may have seen on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram that helps them see how crazy life has been.

When I moved to Tennessee, I applied to all sorts of places for work: golf courses, restaurants, gyms, stores, anything you can imagine! I trusted in God, and knew He would lead me exactly where I was supposed to be. We joke now in my college ministry class that God just 'flicks' me from place to place, and let's me figure it out. But that's just it... He sends me there, and I learn so much from the lessons I learn along the way.

I ended up getting a job as a store floor manager at Francesca's Boutique, as well as making smoothies at a local gym. This was all happening in the fall, as I was also starting my freshman year of college, studying Radio and Television Broadcasting. Then I suddenly began getting emails to work on the set of the ABC show, "Nashville." I filmed a few episodes as an extra, as well as featured extra, where I made great connections and began acting more, but going to school less. I found myself telling professors more and more dates that I would be gone, and staying up late or being on set doing homework and writing papers. It wasn't until November that I got an offer on CMT's new show "Still The King" (premiering June 12th). I was the same age, height, and had the same 'look' and was asked to be a stand-in for one of the main characters. She later became a very best friend of mine.

Filming STK went all the way into late February, so I decided school would not be able to happen in the spring, considering my major required in class time, and I was filming 12-14 hours a day at different locations.

As the show wrapped, and real life came back around, I began working more at the boutique, and got some nanny gigs here in Nashville. I also began working with, and am currently, signed to the wonderful DAN Talent, a Nashville-based talent agency, which allows me to have a much more relaxed schedule. I have been able to take more time to explore the city, go to church, and travel to my hometown, as well as new places, making amazing memories with the people I love along the way. Not only have new modeling gigs been coming my way, but I have also been cast as the lead role in two country music videos that I’ll be sharing with y’all this summer! Most importantly, I have been much more involved in my church recently and have been a part of some incredible mission work. I have been blessed with so many opportunities!

Even while typing this, I was trying to think of more things I have been up to in my first year of living here in Nashville. There are so many small gigs and trips I have taken, but these were a few of the bigger job opportunities I have had so far. Not only did I work my butt off in these past 12 months, but I have met so many incredible people, made life long friends, and have grown in my faith tremendously! I have so much joy in my heart, and trust that God will continue to show me the path He is laying in front of me each step of the way! I cannot wait to update y'all as more of my dreams come true! With all of this going on, I will still continue to say "I'm kind of all over the place!" as my go-to answer of "So... what do you do?"

XO, Shea Leigh

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