Favorite Morning Things

(OH YES when that Cabo coffee hits the spot!!)
I have been trying to start my days out on a good note, not matter what may have happened the day before! I pray before my feet the floor & as soon as my head hits the pillow at night, giving thanks no matter what the day may have brought my way. I love a peaceful, quiet morning as y'all know! I have shared my morning routine/tips & tricks with y'all & so many of you said that you started implementing some of those things into your day & see a HUGE change in the smoothness of it as well!
Something about a morning at home, coffee in hand makes me feel so cozy & positive! There are a few other little things that I just LOVE when starting my day!
Obvious, but still so true. Something about cozying up with a warm mug while still a little sleepy is just *chefs kiss* sooo great!
Not only does it make me hop out of bed a little easier, but also makes me excited to get outside & enjoy the sunlight... maybe even get a little color on my skin while I am at it!
Worship Music
Hey Alexa, play my favorite worship songs! This always keeps me calm as I get my moorings going. Making the bed, brewing some coffee & getting things lined up for the day, all while worshipping is so uplifting!
Picking a Cute outfit
When I lay my outfits out for that day, it makes me excited to get my creative juices flowing. Whether it’s a cute dress & jewelry or a cozy matching set... it makes me feel put together for the day!
Cuddles with Kip or playing with Tucker always make me smile. It gives me energy & showing love to them makes my heart so happy!
My Devotion Time
THIS! This is where it’s at. Reading a little bit of God's word is the BEST start to any day!! It's so crazy how directly He can speak to you each & every day!
SO many little things make my mornings a little extra happy & peaceful. Let me know your favorite morning quirks/must dos that make you smile!!
Outfits deets from this cute Amazon set are all here below! I wear a size small in this set & have it in SIX colors! It's amazing!!
Happy Tuesday, y'all!
