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2018 FAQs Update

Hey y'all! I decided for the start of 2018 I would share a little bit about me & my FAQs to share with anybody that joined along with the blog during 2017! I have always been asked so many of the same questions about me, blogging, beauty items & so much more, so I compiled them all together right here with the answers for you!


1. How old are you?

I am 20 years old; 21 on March 27th!

2. Where are you originally from?

I am from a small town in Southern Illinois called Carterville (Go Lions!)

3. What made you move to Nashville?

I was about to graduate high school & had no idea where to go or what to do, so I prayed a lot for God's guidance & I woke up at 5 am one morning & told my mom I was moving to Tennessee... even though I had never even visited here.

4. How tall are you?

I am 5'4 & a half, 5'5 if I stand up reaaaaally straight!

5. What is your real name?

First name Shea. Middle name Leigh. Last name Mills. I get this all the time because I go by Shea Leigh, but lots of my friends call me Shea.

6. What is your favorite thing to do in Nashville?

I honestly love going to new restaurants & just pretty parts of town. It's so fun to explore & see all of the new places that are rising up so often here. It keeps it new & exciting all the time!

7. Do you have any brothers or sister?

I have two hilarious, supportive, amazing brothers: Grant Stephen & Brockton Craig. They can make the grumpiest person in the world laugh their head off. They are the funniest people I know.


1. How did you start blogging?

I wanted to share my life with people from back home, while also answer people's questions about Nashville, my outfits, makeup, hair, ect. So I started the site just to send the link to anyone that may ask. Then it grew bigger & bigger so here we are!

2. What camera do you use for blogging?

I use my Canon T6i with this lens. I also just ordered a Canon G7x for more video!

3. How do you get brands to work with you?

When I started, I just wore what I had, but then brands that match my style, or want to send me products to post started to come. It takes time, but it will happen the further you go into blogging!

4. Is it your full time job?

I do this full time, from the moment I wake up, to the second my head hits the pillow. It is constantly emails, contracts, writing, editing, planning shoots, styling outfits, going to shoots, working on the site... always trying to do more & keep it new & exciting for y'all to enjoy! I also model at Pink Lily which is sooo much fun!

5. Can you help me start a blog?

I sure can & I already wrote a little post to help! I am planning on writing a new one soon, since I have learned so much since this one. You can check it out here!


1. What makeup do you use?

I use lots of items that can double for another use. I like to be smart about what I spend my money on makeup & hair product wise. Here is all of my everyday makeup items!

2. What do you use to curl your hair?

Depending on the curl style I am going for, I usually change it up. But I tend to go between the ones listed below!

3. Do you have extensions?

I do not have extensions. I tried them once & took them out after 30 minutes because hellllo headache!

4. What products do you use in your hair?

I like to change it up so my hair doesn't get used to just one thing for too long. Here are my favorites that I alternate between!

5. What is your skin care routine?

I don't have very good skin & I have tried everything under the sun. I FINALLY found these two items that I use in the morning & at night & it has helped my skin tremendously!

I am so happy y'all feel comfortable enough to ask me questions & be interested in these sorts of things. I hope this helps out by having a list of everything right here for you see all at once.

Everything is linked so it is easy to get to & shop!

{ps. this exact top is no longer available but you can find a VERY similar top from Pink Lily here!} Have a good Friday & a great, snowy weekend!! Stay warm, friends!

Xo, Shea Leigh

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