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Blondes in Burgundy

This morning I sat back & thought about all my favorite parts of fall. The perfect weather, bonfires, Halloween, Thanksgiving, the list could go on & on! It is just the right phase of the season that I can keep on wearing my shorts with longer sleeves & still have an appropriate look. For instance, this cute outfit!


So many details to explain about this look. First of all, the top is on SALE at Top Shop for just $40! As for this skort... I found the same one for just $14 for y'all! One last thing. I go these heels back in high school about 5 years ago, so I wasn't able to find the exact same pair, but I got scary close to the most similar ones I could find! Either way, y'all will be killing it in this outfit for SUCH a low price!

You can find my beautiful friend's outfit details below!

Torunn is darling & you will love love love her blog! Check her out!


Today I am sitting back & realizing that life may not always go as planned, but it is all just right according to God. I never would have imagined I would ever be where I am at now. I trusted in God to show me where to go & I followed. Scared & unsure of what was going to happened, I am so glad I didn't turn away & go on my own path.

I see so many friends & family members of mine saying "This wasn't what I had planned." or "This isn't how it was supposed to turn out." It is. Got knew exactly what He wanted for you & free will may change that, but he will ALWAYS be watching over each desicion you make, even when it may be the wrong one. God will also be holding your hand while you do as He says, even if you trip & fall while doing so.

Something I have REALLY had to focus on lately: not everything will turn out how you "plan" but it will be okay when you know God is with you through it all. Whatever the reason may be for that tough patch you are experiencing, how comforting is it that God is right there to talk to & tell you He has it all under control? Be patient & trust in Him.

Joshua 1:9

Be strong & courageous. Do not be afraid; do not get discouraged.For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you may go.

If you have a specific struggle or message you'd like to hear me write about, feel free to shoot me a message & let me know. I love hearing the amazing responses from y'all & it touches my heart that these little versus help you out! It means so much that you feel comfortable enough to express that to me! Y'all are seriously the very best!

I hope you all have a wonderful Friday & enjoy your weekend!

xo, Shea Leigh

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