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Blogging Tips To Start

A very common question I get asked about is the process of blogging. I'll be very honest about my blogging experience. When I started, I had no idea what I was doing & I still have to reach out to blogger friends for help on certain things. I originally started my blog to share what I was doing for people back home to see & to share my outfits for anyone wondering about them. I never expected it to grow at such a rapid pace! However, I am very thankful for the success that I have had with!

The main thing about having your blog is that you will learn as you go & discover what you love about your own designs, ideas & posts. That is the beauty of creating a website: IT'S YOURS!

To narrow it down for creating your blog, I've made a few simple points to hit on for anyone needing some assistance. Keep in mind, I'm not a professional, so each detail may not be perfect, but this is my own personal experience from trial & error!

1. Find a website to create your blog.

I used to create my site. I tried lots of different ones like BlogSpot & Wordpress, but I found Wix to be the most user friendly!

2. What do you want it to be?

You get to make your own world when it comes to your blog. It can be food, fashion, lifestyle, or anything at all! Just find something you are passionate about & share it! Take pictures of what you love & talk about it! Other people will find that common interest & be able to relate. If you want to post once a week, once a month, or sporatiacally throughout your life, it's up to you. Take it as you wish!

3. Color Scheme.... maybe...

A lot of people say to make a theme so your page is ascetically pleasing to your viewers, one trait I feel like I am NOT great at. I make my posts however I feel at the time, so my page may not be the best example of a proper color scheme. Other people have told me that I do have that, so I guess there is someitng good going on here?

4. BE YOU!

I have had multiple people reach out & share pages from other bloggers that are my exact wording, exact outfits in the same poses & have just straight up been someone that they are not. DO NOT DO THIS! Be your own person! What is the fun in making a site for YOU to have if you try to be someone else? Yes, it is good to have inspiration & people you look up to, but take that & turn in into your own! Don't pretend to be someone, something, or somewhere you're not, just to gain followers. In the end it just isn't worth it. It eventually will wear you out & you will lose interest in playing this role that you just no longer want to be in the shoes of. And it is just plain creepy, so don't do that.

5. Take the time.

Blogging take time. So. Much. Time. Plan time to get the shots you want, edit, transfer, fit to your page, write about your post, copy the links, create your posting images, share with all the right tags to social media, share those pages to all your pages, ect. There are so many steps to get to where you want to be & yes, it takes a lot of time. But I will say, once you get to it for a while, it becomes so much more natural. Pretty soon you'll be spending just an hour on something that may have taken you all day in the beginning! Take your time & do your best!

6. Have fun with it!

As soon as you stop loving your posts & dread getting to your computer to write & share, that's when you may want to take a step back & try again in a bit. I'm not saying to give up, but blogging can be kind of like a relationship. It can get boring & annoying after a while {maybe that just my relationships but still...} Have fun with it & be sure that you are enjoying creating this world for your viewers to be a part of!

7. Don't get discouraged.

Your site may not grow quickly or as much as you'd like. That's okay! I have been very blessed to network with companies that share my posts & help me to grow. This can be the tough part. Trying so hard to get the growth & when you don't, it can be tough on the spirit of why you wanted to start a blog in the first place. Keep on going & don't give up! You got it!

I know that blogging can be scary. What will your friends think? What if it doesn't look professional? What if!? What if?!?! Breath. As soon as you start seeing that love from your views for sharing your life & having the confidence to show your creativity, you will be so glad that you went for it!

I hope that this helps with anyone that may be wanting to start a site or looking for some direction in getting it rolling! If you have any more questions feel free to leave me a comment below or shoot me an email & I can get to it directly or in another post of common questions!

I hope y'all have the best day & enjoy the beautiful Memorial Day weekend we have coming up!

{Lace Up Tnak in top pink from The Pink Lily}

xo, Shea Leigh

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