Happy Fourth, y'all!
Happy Fourth of July, everybody!
Whether you spend your day with friends at the lake or with family in the yard setting off smoke bombs and sparklers, I hope you all take a moment and thank God for the freedom we are so blessed with in this country! With the ability to pray when we want, and how we want, we are so fortunate to have what so many are not able to have around the world. So today as the fireworks are booming and memories are being made, take a moment and thank God for the men and women overseas fighting for our freedom everyday.
Special prayer out there for my cousin, Christopher Restivo (FTS (SS) Restivo) currently in Japan, serving in the United States Navy. Also sending prayers out to my high school classmate Brayden Bisaillion stationed at Camp Pendleton in California. He is a Private First Class/machine gunner in the United States Marine Corps.
I am so blessed to know such strong people that protect this country everyday.
God bless all the people that make this tremendous sacrifice, and God bless the United States this wonderful Independence Day!

Got to spend my first Tennessee Fourth of July weekend with my wonderful friends Ciarra & Anna (ciarra.n.david & anna_L_barreiro on instagram) drinking sweet tea, watching the town fireworks, and taking countless photos of the beautiful night! The Fourth is one of my favorite holidays and I hope y'all enjoy yours as much as we did!