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Christmas Traditions

Merry Christmas Eve, y'all! This day is always one of my FAVORITE days of the entire year. Tomorrow is so full of joy, family time, fun games & LOTS of food! My family has always been on top of the traditions & we keep them going every year! I just got back to my hometown yesterday & as soon as I walked in, it all began! The assortment of food was placed on the table & the holiday music was playing as we dove right into cookie decorating! I started thinking about the other traditions that I will always love having with my family that I will eventually carry on with my kiddos & wanted to share them with y'all!


Our family LOVES eating! We have so many yummy foods that we bake, cook & serve. Lots of goodies are made/enjoyed including oreoballs, peanut clusters, puppy chow, Mrs. Prindables’ apples, Texas cake, sugar cookies for decorating, cheese danish & breakfast casserole for Christmas morning. Then we have real deal food that in includes meals for our entire family, as well as our tradition of having a night full of yummy appetizers!

We also have a lot of fun doing different activities like playing bunco, opening one gift each on christmas eve, all wearing matching pajammies, watching holdiay movies like Christmas Vacation & Elf. When we were little mom would read a different christmas book every night & we all loved that! When I lived at home, my bothers & I would also do an advent calendar to count days until Santa got here! Each year Dad hangs the Christmas lights outside to make our house GLOW from miles around!

My cousins & Aunt come to town & I love love love getting to spend time with them! Since I never had sisters, having them be here is one of my favorite parts of the holidays!

Our entire family getting together for a BIG family dinner/lunch is the best part because we all get to catch up, visit & spend time with each other! It’s to fun to see how people grow & change! It’s always great to see who everyone is becoming; everyone is always so proud of the kids growing up into adults & starting to grow their own family too! Tonight we are going to my family's big BBQ dinner where EVERYONE will be to celebrate Christmas! AKA, time to eat the best down-home food & desserts!

There are so many little things that mean the world to me when I come home for the holidays. I recently started bringing my polaroid camera to capture fun moments in a different way. I can't wait to one day share these memories & traditions with my babies & husband as we grow our little family! I have so many ideas of what I want to start as our own as well, but I am so happy with everything now, that I am in nooo hurry for all of that! I am so blessed beyond my wildest dreams & am so thankful for everything the Lord has brought to me this year! I love seeing & hearing about all of my friends' traditions, so let me know what your favorites are over on my instrgam from this post! I may throw a few of those in the future one day! :)

To each & every one of you & your families- MERRY CHRISTMAS!!


(white wool blanket was handmade by my sweet Aunt Brenda!)

xo, Shea Leigh

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